People find it difficult to believe in something that they can not see. They say, “If we don’t see Him, how would we know He is there? “
You can not see the wind but you can give us proofs that the wind does exist. We can see the effects of the wind: tree branches moving, pieces of paper on the ground blowing away. We feel cold when the wind strikes against our faces. These are some signs that the wind is there.
Someone will say, “I have a lot of pain. I have got a headache. I have got a migraine.” I can tell him, “Show me the pain. If I can not see the pain, how would I believe you?” We know that the person has pain by the symptoms he shows. The person is in agony. You can see the pain on his face and in his tears. Although we cannot see the pain, we can see the signs or the symptoms of pain. A person suffering from “cold” cannot show you a piece of “cold” to convince you. The symptoms talk: running nose and sneezing.
Similarly, we cannot see Allah. But not seeing Allah does not mean that He does not exist. There are many signs that are posted by Allah that lead to Him. Look at the creation around you; it is magnificent. There is no one beside Allah who can create what He has created. Look at a tree; where did it come from? It came from a small seed. The seed was planted by a farmer who cared for it by supplying the needed water, organic and inorganic needs. Allah breaks the seed open, sending roots down. A stem comes out of it. From that stem, many branches come out and the branches have leaves, flowers and fruits. From a small seed Allah creates a large tree where you see beautiful colors, flowers, different fruits with different tastes. So, who is doing this? It is Allah subhanahu-wa-ta-ala.
Look around again to the force of gravity. What is it? We were told in science and physics that it is equal 9.8 m/s. This force works on all of us as a result of which we are walking on earth. If the number is increased to say 15, what would happen? A seven- foot giant would be reduced to three-foot midget. What would happen if we have the reverse? If the number is decreased to 3 or 4 we would not be able to put our feet on the ground because there is no force on top of us to push us down. Then we would change to supermen and superwomen flying in the atmosphere. The astronauts can float around in space because the force of gravity is reduced significantly. It is Allah, the Wise, who set the gravity force at the present rate to help Man live on earth in comfort. If it is higher we would sink in the ground; if it is lower we would float in space.
Another example is the delicious honey we eat and enjoy. The honeybees collect nectar from different flowers to manufacture it into honey for our enjoyment. If you don’t like to look at the universe to study it, you can perhaps look at your own body. We have children born from the same mother and the same father and they are distinct in their characteristics. One has blue eyes and the other has green eyes. One is short and the other is tall. One is skinny and the other is fat. They were developed in the womb of the same mother. Common sense suggests similarity but Allah makes them different; they
are different human beings. If all people were the same, we would have a very boring world.
Differences exist. Five Six billion people live on the face of the earth and you never find the finger print of one person to match the other, not even one case. You notice also differences in voice. You can not identically match voices. Sometimes they may sound identical but the sound waves are truly different.
We look in the mirror and wonder. We were created from two small droplets. Allah has fashioned us in the most beautiful shape. Allah has made us in perfect proportions. The Glorious Quran (82: 6-8) says,” O MAN! What is it that lures thee away from thy bountiful Sustainer?; who has created thee, and formed thee in accordance with what thou art meant' to be and shaped thy nature in just proportions; having put thee together in whatever form He willed [thee to have]?”
The human being has the best shape. Just let us look at the facial features. The nose is placed between the eyes and the mouth. If you don’t like the location of your nose, where would you like to put it? Look at the hair. The hair of the head is growing at certain rate which is different than that of eye brows. Our teeth grow to a certain height and then stop. They don’t grow any further other wise we would be looking like bunnies.
All people with no exception appear the way they do because of the delicate balance between two small molecules: growth hormone and thyroxin. “These hormones are secreted at the right time and in the right amount, commanding trillions of individual cells with orders as to how much and how fast they have to multiply. As a result, a perfectly formed human body comes into being.
In the majority of human beings, the amount of this molecule is adjusted in a very special way so that neither too much nor too little is produced. If the amount of these hormones produced varied too much from one individual to another, there would be major physical differences between people; millions of people would be between 2.5 and 3 meters tall; millions would be one meter or less in height, everyone would have a body and facial structure lacking proportion, and almost everyone would be mentally retarded.
Millions of people would die while still in adolescence.
To repeat: the external appearance and physical characteristics of human beings is due to small molecules that God has wonderfully created – the growth hormone and thyroxin. This is another proof of how God has constructed human beings on a foundation of delicate balances.” Harun Yahya, the Miracle of Hormones, 2004.
He created the heavens and the Earth with truth and formed you, giving you the best of forms. And He is your final destination. (Quran 64:3)
“[All] this is God’s creation: show Me, then, what others than He may have created! Nay, but the evildoers are obviously lost in error!” (Quran 31:11)
DR. MOHAMMED SALEH (Educational Consultant ) & MOHAMED SIDAT (Radiologist)
October 31, 2008
2 Zul-Qi’dah 1429
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